0.11 - 0.12
New features
New toggle in settings for Dynamic Aiming Camera
New Radar special - the radar highlighting enemies on the minimap within an area around the player for a few seconds. A great scouting tool! It was given to the following weapons:
Hunting Rifle
Laser Pistol
New Tutorial and Login Flow. Now you can login into your account from the Settings
Systems update
Few changes have been made to make Shields stats to be more distinct from Health stat:
Picked-up equipment doesnβt restore Shields when it adds Shields Capacity
Red and Yellow Armour pickups were removed
Players now start the match with the max default shields capacity that can be further increased by picking up their equipment
Shields now donβt let damage overflow into Health. E.g. if you have only 5 shields and receive a bullet with 100 damage, you will only lose 5 shields and your health will be intact
Shields capacity bar now sits on top of Health bar to further strengthen the idea above
We added Shield Break animation so you can see more clearly when you break someone else's shields or your own breaks
Players that stay above a certain height (like on roofs, or on rocks) will be warned and then will start receiving damage. This was made to prevent players from exploiting the game in order to obtain trophies while not actively engaging in a match
We disabled the mutators in Casual Battle Royale, for now, to make the experience for new users more consistent. All mutators are still available in Custom Games
The selected game mode is now saved between matches and sessions
We simplified the shader that highlights players and items obstructed by obstacles so itβs more performant and easier to see
Loading times were improved
We improved the aim to make it smoother and more precise
We made a few improvements to reduce the networking traffic which should make the game more stable
Optimizations were made on input system to cut unnecessary delays so the controls feel more responsive
We added a dynamic camera to the main menu to make it more exciting to navigate
Improved the states of Blast Pass button to make it clear when you have rewards to collect
Made a few other improvements on the home screen:
Thereβs a new screen where you can choose various cosmetic items in the future; for now there are only skins
Tap on the trophies will open the global leaderboard
The in-game store button moved to the left
A few other smaller improvements and changes here and there
Improved the shader for obscured players and items in a match to make it cleaner and more readable
Improved the visibility of pick up progress radials; now they are rendered on top and not obscured
Equipped item is now automatically selected when you go into its respective category in the in-game inventory
Items in the in-app store have been renamed for clarity and also received tooltips to provide information about the content
Weβve added screenshake on certain match events
Deathmatch was removed from custom games as well as itβs not working properly and we would like to focus for now on Battle Royale before bringing more game modes into the mix
Fixed a rendering issue for the Global Leaderboard that occurred in certain cases
Fixed a rendering issue that caused a hammer in the main menu look bad
Fixed a rendering issue with characters on the match results screen
Fixed a bug that was counting NFTs picked up in a match in a wrong way
Lots of improvements and fixes around reconnection
Fixed a bug that caused spectators being stuck after the end of a custom match
Fixed Battle Pass Points progress bar on match results that sometimes was out of bounds
Fixed the red-marker notification about new items in the inventory that was staying on the inventory button even without any new items
Fixed a bug that caused player name to go out of bounds on the home screen
Balancing Changes
Craft Spice earnings balancing:
CS Base Pool size 200 -> 100 - to reduce average earnings
CS ScaleMultiplierK (Multiplier to scale value) 10 -> 7 - to reduce average earnings
CS CurveShapeModifier (K) 1.5 -> 2 - to give a bigger pool for owners of a lot of NFTs
Grade changes to allow owners of top grades to quickly drain their pools and save time:
Grade III take per match multiplier 0.150 -> 0.200Grade II take per match multiplier 0.450 -> 2.000Grade I take per match multiplier 1.000 -> 20.000UPDATE: Changes with grades were rolled back
The set of changes for equipment will be fairly small as we are pretty happy with where the current meta is at, and will be mostly focusing on buffing the more underused weapons in the game, and introducing a new special, the Radar!
Buffed: Shotguns, Light weapons, Heavy MachineGun, Minigun, RPG, Needle gun, Daedalus, Sniper, Laser Rifle
Nerfed: Sky Laser Special, Pulse Rifle
Balancing details for Specials
Sky laser
Radius: 2.75 units β 1.75 units
Reducing the size of the sky laser to make it a bit harder to land. Still deals that heavy 40% max hp damage
Radius: 2.5 units β 2.75 units
We are buffing the size of the grenade to let it compete a bit more with the sky laser
[NEW] Radar
Range: 40 units Duration: 3 seconds Weapons with radar:
Hunting Rifle
Laser Pistol
The radar reveals all enemies within an area around the player, highlighting them on the minimap. A great scouting tool!
Balancing details for Weapons
Tap Cooldown: 0.1 β 0.18 seconds Attack Cooldown: 0.55 β 0.18 seconds Attack Power: 53%β 60% Base Power: 0.5625 β 0.7 Ammo Capacity: 100 shots β 160 shots
The pistol is being changed to a consistent, mid - long range automatic weapon with a small magazine, a quick reload. and a huge amount of ammo capacity
Laser Pistol
Tap Cooldown: 0.33 seconds β 0.3 seconds Attack Cooldown: 0.45 seconds β 1 second Attack Power: 53% β 55% (per bolt, so 110% total) ReloadTime: 1 seconds β 1.3 seconds Ammo capacity: 50 shots β 42 shots
The laser pistol is being reworked into a technical flick weapon. If you can flick aim well, this weapon can fire much faster than if you just held the stick.
Remember, the laser pistol fires 2 bolts, so landing both shots will lead to big damage.
Attack speed ramp down time: 2 seconds β 3 seconds Aim range bonus: 1 unit β 3 units Base attack range: 5 units β 4.5 units Magazine size: 12 β 16 Ammo capacity: 48 shots β 64 shots
We are buffing the crossbowβs strengths to try and make it a bit more relevant than it currently is
Attack Power: 35%β 40% Base Power: 0.25 β 0.275 Attack Range: 3.5 β 4 Aim range bonus: 0 β 1
The scattergun has a tendancy to take over the meta when itβs strong, but it is clearly not as strong as it could be.
Attack Range: 4 β 5 Attack Power: 25% β 27% Base Power: 0.66 β 0.75
The standard shotgun has never seen too much use, so we are giving it a nudge in the right direction
Laser Blaster
Ammo Capacity: 30 β 45 Attack Speed Ramp up: 2 β 1.75 Attack Power: 20% β 22%
Laser blaster is a good weapon, some players like it, but it is just too ammo hungry to be worthwhile. Giving it a little extra juice.
Base attack: 0.6 β 0.95
The heavy machine gun ended up losing far more power than intended in the previous update, so we are going to be giving it some of that power back in this update
Attack range: 5.5β 6 Aim range bonus: 2 β 3.5 Ammo Capacity: 200 shots β 300 shots Attack Power: 41% β 40% Base Power: 0.225 β 0.266
The minigun desereved a bit of love. Some extra base power, range and ammo should help it perform without needing too much equipment
Attack range: 4.5 β 5.5 Base Power: 0.1875 β 0.1955
The needle gun can be an extreme powerhouse, balanced by itβs short range. We are giving it some quality of life improvements to hopefully let it compete with the SMG
Attack Range: 5 β 6
Itβs a bit messed up the shortest range smg is also the least accurate. Increasing the range should help the daedalus compete with the SMG
Laser Rifle
Attack Cooldown: 0.16 seconds β 0.15 seconds Attack Power: 26% β 28%
We think the Laser rifle is already viable, but it deserves a small buff to keep it relevant
Reload time: 2 seconds β 1.75 seconds Tap Cooldown: 1 second β 0.9 seconds Hold Attack cooldown remains the same at 1.2 seconds Base Power: 0.325 β 0.35
We want to avoid buffing spam where we can, but we feel the RPG is a fun weapon with room to grow, and due to itβs slower specials, shouldnβt take over the meta if buffed.
Attack Power: 75% β 80% Aim indicator: fat line > cone
The sniper was a tad overnerfed las patch, giving it a small boost in damage to compensate
Pulse Rifle
Special 2: Sky laser β stun grenade Aimed movement speed: 0.8 β 0.5
The pulse rifle is fun, but a bit too oppressive due to itβs access to the sky laser special allowing you to easily finish off targets without needing to land another shot. It is also much too mobile considering itβs class.
Also a few weapons had thier max capacity adjusted to be multiples of thier magazine size.
General balancing
Movement speed
We are making adjustments to how quickly you can traverse the map. This should increase the value of the movement speed stat and force players to chose between looting and moving to a new position.
Skydiving horizontal speed was reduced by 30% to increase the importance of drop area selection and increase the variety of positions between matches
Base movement speed: 2.5 β 2.35
Note, with your hammer drawn, you should move a bit faster.
Shield refills are now the only source of shields in the game, and ammo can be a bit to scarce, especially for new players. We are adjusting the value of these pickups and increasing the size of the pickup radius as well
Small shield refill: 200 shields β 300 shields Large shield refill: 400 shields β 600 shields
Small ammo refill: 10% β 15% Large ammo refill: 20% β 25%
Increased the pickup time for the above pickups by 0.2 seconds each. (this was done to increase the value of the pickup speed stat, as without it, collectiong of pickups should feel quite slow)
Finally, we are increasing the duration of the quad damage pickup to introduce some more oppertunities to utilise it fully
On Kill Collectables
Player kills will now drop more collectables on death, and more than just health, but ammo and shields as well. This should make kills feel more rewarding and encourage aggressive play.
Shield cracking
As mentioned, your shield will now absorb all damage taken from a single shot when broken, instead of damage being carried over.
For example, if you have 50 shields and take a shot that deals 100 damage
BEFORE you would take 50 shields and 50 damage to health
NOW you will just take 50 shield damage
This was done in order stop players from being 1 shot as often, giving more oppertunites for outplays and reactions. Shotguns are now more effective, as thier multiple pellets of small damage will still penetrate the shield.
Shield capacity
Yellow and red shield capacity upgrades (the spikey armour) have been removed from the standard BR mode, and your equipment will no longer grant you shields on pickup, only capacity.
As a countermeasure to this, your starting shield capacity has increased to match your starting HP
Starting shield capacity: 200 β 600
This was done as we felt this was an issue for new players. Many players did not understand what these pickups did, and we believe their purpose is better filled by your gear anyway.
Weapon categories
Weapons will now gain additional bonus stats whilst they are drawn, based on thier class. These bonuses will also increase with level and raritty.
Classes that recieved stat bonuses are:
Heavy weapons (Minigun, Heavy machine gun, Electron Thrower)
Heavy weapons now grant armor whilst drawn
Light weapons (SMG, Daedalus, Needle gun)
Light weapons now gain movement speed whilst drawn
Sniper Rifles (Sniper, Hunting Rifle, Pulse Rifle)
Snipers gain additional attack range whilst drawn
Sidearms (Pistol, corssbow, Laser Pistol)
Sidearms grant additional pickup speed whilst drawn
Battle Rifles (Assault Rifle, Carbine, Laser Rifle)
Battle rifles gain additional ammo capacity whilst drawn
As we introduce new stats and functionality in the game, the other weapon classes will also recieve these bonuses as well. Classes left out so far are launchers and shotguns
Last updated